You are cordially invited to participate in the 25th Annual Association of Montana Floodplain Managers (AMFM) Conference, the premier floodplain management convention in Montana! The conference will include presentations, technical workshops, training sessions and exhibits in a variety of areas.
Each individual from your agency or organization planning to attend the workshop must complete a separate registration. Registrations can be completed online at the bottom of this page. Full registration fees include all conference materials, break refreshments and evening social events. Conference registration for AMFM members is $250, which includes annual membership dues, and conference registration for non-members is $275.
As a token of our appreciation towards our membership, there will be a general membership luncheon provided on Thursday and that cost is included with your membership. Lunch for non-members will be on-your own that day.
Registration fees may be paid through our website in advance, paid at the workshop registration table, or mailed to AMFM at PO BOX 1305, Helena, MT 59624. Checks should be made payable to AMFM. Sorry, there will be no refunds for cancelled registrations. The registration fee will be waived for one presenter of each selected abstract.
If you receive a “Cancellation Confirmed” email while trying to pay for registration or a sponsorship, please forward the email to This usually happens when an internet browser window is closed or the transaction is otherwise cancelled while trying to pay through PayPal.
Floodplain Administrator Scholarship
The Association of Montana Floodplain Managers (AMFM) is offering scholarship for up to three Floodplain Administrators/Managers to attend the annual conference. The scholarship will include conference registration fees and hotel accommodation for up to three nights during the conference at the predefined hotel and conference rate. Any person serving the role as Floodplain Administrator and/or having floodplain management responsibilities on behalf of their community is eligible to apply. Only people employed directly by a community participating in the National Flood Insurance Program are eligible to apply. Preference will be given to applicants who submit an abstract to present at the conference and/or are within their first three years of having floodplain management responsibilities. Fillable PDF applications and more information on how to apply can be obtained here.
AMFM Membership Renewal
AMFM annual dues are included in conference registration, but for AMFM members not attending the conference, annual membership dues are $25 and can be paid here.
Holiday Inn Missoula Downtown | Missoula, MT | February 26th – 28th, 2025
The conference will be held at the Holiday Inn Missoula Downtown, located at 200 South Pattee Street, Missoula, MT 59802. A block of rooms has been reserved from Tuesday, February 25th through Friday, February 28th. Rooms are available for $130 per night, plus taxes and fees.
Special AMFM Rates for the Room Block will be cut off on February 4th, 2025.
Reservations are available by calling the hotel reservation line at (800)465-4329 or (406)721-8550 and identifying yourself as part of the Association of Montana Floodplain Managers (AMFM) conference or by using the following link – BOOK HERE
Sponsoring is a great way to get your company recognized and market your services/products to floodplain professionals.
Exhibitors/sponsors will be acknowledged in the conference materials, on the AMFM website and with a formal acknowledgment throughout the conference. A 6-ft table will be available for your agency/organization in the refreshment/social night areas during the conference. Setup will open Tuesday February 25th at 4:00 PM; take down to be completed by 1:00 PM on Friday February 28th.
There are four sponsorship levels available:
Register & pay to be an exhibitor/sponsor on the Conference Registration link below.
Already registered?